Monday 5 March 2012

domestic scene

My plans for today were no more when I discovered that funding for such plans was non existent. So instead I put on a soft cocoa knitted blouse with wee buttons down the back and made a favourites day. It included a late morning visit with my Ma, a surprise encounter with a friendly face, The Perishers, baking whoopee pies and washing my Dear Swede's stripes. Of course I was entertained by these things alone but I thought it necessary for me to take breaks and be the strange lady I am between tasks. An explanation of the previous sentence may be evident in these photographs...

Thursday 1 March 2012

happy birthday to you

Buttermilk pancakes with Yoghurt and strawberries and Berry Swirl Cake with cream cheese and berry puree icing. Oh my! I needn't toot my own horn, but I am quite proud of my level of domesticity. Proud of what I made my Mother for her birthday on Tuesday. On account of the fact that I am poor, I used my abilities to make her day as lovely as I could with breakfast in bed, a packed lunch and cake for morning tea. I think she was appreciative of my efforts which certainly don't match all she's ever done for me. She is  most magnificent, I'm sure you would concur. She deserved every bite, every bit of berry and every ray of sunshine that dripped through the clouds on that morning.

your mother should know

She should know that I make a mean packed lunch. I've been playing Mum and making lunches for my Mumma and for my sister on account of I like to be kind and do my part to make their days dandy. On this day I left little notes on top, simple reminders that they were lovely. FYI my very own Mother taught me to be kind, to leave notes for loved ones, to do kind deeds not for recognition but for the very sake of the happiness of the receiver.

one for my baby

Blessed little Addison and I met again, after a year of me being absent. She was quick to cuddle and sweetly smiled as wide as she could with four of her baby fingers wedged between her rose coloured lips. A most beautiful baby. A most wonderful mother. 
As I held this little sprout and heard her chuckle I thought about how much I want to grown one of my very own. And then I thought, 


The day will come. 

here comes the sun again

We've been home for a merry three weeks now and all is well. I've seen sunshine and I've seen rain and my is it wonderful to feel warm again. We've been on wee adventures, He and I, here and there. Last week He climbed a tree and beckoned for me to be amongst the branches beside him. I made it off the ground and onto the lowest of branches in the elephant tree but was afraid to go any further.

One day I will. One day soon. We will.