Saturday 30 April 2011

thanks mum

I awoke this morning to the sound of the mail falling to the floor from the slot in the door. Expecting only letters addressed to my Aunt I rubbed my eyes as I bent down in my topman tee to pick up the envelopes that were waiting patiently on the cold black tiles. One small and somewhat important/boring looking and another much larger, padded and far more intriguing. As my eyes adjusted to the morning light I noticed that my name was printed in my ma's perfectly small writing on the bigger envelope. I placed it on my bed and quickly made breakfast before returning to it. I sat down to my bowl of broccoli, banana, red grapes, nuts and raisins and carefully opened my parcel which contained some of my most favourite things - the latest issue of frankie, chai tea, a thrift store purchase and a letter from mother nature.
As excited as I was to rekindle my love for frankie, I decided I'd save it for tonight. I ran some errands, washed my not-so-long hair, baked butternut squash for tea, watched Sonny with a Chance (because it reminds me of my sister, and is a guilty pleasure of mine) before I felt that it was time. I sourced an oversized mug from my Aunt's kitchen cupboard, made a chai tea and spent hours with my beloved frankie. I read it back to front because that's the way I like to do it. It's much more exciting.
I'm now working on a playlist for my wedding and planning frankie inspired projects that created themselves in my mind as I read. And so I say thank you frankie, and thank you mum.

Oh also too, it was sunny again today so I took some photographs which for the record caused me to have rashy legs for several hours..I guess I should have thought twice about running through wild flowers.

Friday 29 April 2011

a whole lot of royal

I was, at first a little reluctant to join in the Royal Wedding celebrations for a number of reasons. Though as friday came around I began to get excited. So excited in fact that I paid five pounds for a commemorative oyster card this morning. Spencer and I had planned to go right into town and get amongst the wild folk that camped out to secure their square inch of space but decided to abandon that plan this morning and head to Hyde Park instead. We sat amongst all sorts and watched the ceremony on the big screen. My photographs are quite rubbish and really do no justice to the event but I have the memory tucked away.

When the lovely couple arrived at Buckingham Palace after the ceremony we went wandering in search of food and quieter places. Our feet led us to some sort of gallery I'd never before heard anything of. This, and a whole lot more, is what we found inside..

We also found this incredible book shop, Daunt Books I think it was called. We were royally impressed and could have spent hours in there..

After marvelling over many things I pulled up my socks and we were on our way again. This time our feet led us to a Royal Wedding street party that we wished we had been invited to. Homemade sweets and glorious treats lined the red and white checked tables, live music filled the ears of excited neighbours and children were making crowns while their parents drank bubbly from paper cups printed with union jacks. On my way home I walked by more street parties and even made friends with a little boy who raced up to me on his skateboard as I was taking pictures of the gathering. He told me everything was free and asked if I would be joining his party, which I was tempted to do. They had a jumping castle and there were flags strung across the street, it was quite a sight.

This here in blue is my friend.