Tuesday 5 April 2011

the tate

Yesterday I took a trip to the Tate Modern, which I'm sure my art teacher would be proud of. It was rather incredible, inside and out. I really think I underestimated the mere size of the place. I spent a few hours wandering about the many floors, stopping in between to drink hot chocolate on the balcony, listening to conversations filled with foreign words that I didn't understand.

I love art galleries, I really do. I love watching people, their enquisitive faces changing as they question what they see. I bet people watch me do the same.

I think this was my favourite

View from the balcony

This was a series of photographs taken of the insides of people's houses in Malaysia. The artist simply knocked on the doors of strangers as she travelled and kindly asked if she could step inside to snap a photograph of their house interior. I love that. There are so many things I could say about this, so many thoughts come to mind.

This whole room was covered in propaganda posters from the war, it was incredible.

The Tate Modern

A Cathedral I believe, not too far from the Tate