Tuesday 19 April 2011

adventures with the aunt

Oh my days! I saw so many great things today, you wouldn't believe. The first was The Hunterian Museum which houses 18th Century surgeon John Hunter's incredible collection of anatomical specimens. I was torn between being amazed and feeling slightly ill as I peered into jars that were home to human foetuses, whole animals, disected animals, birds and butterflies, various body parts and organs, deformed and diseased bits and pieces, skeletons (including that of a 7'7" Irish Giant) and more than you could imagine. Unfortunately I can't provide you with any evidence, photographs weren't allowed and a stragegically placed security camera prevented the taking of sneaky photos. You'll have to come and see it for yourselves, bring a sick bag if you have a weak stomach.

Aunty Lucy then took me on an adventure, and a big one at that. We wandered all about town and I quietly marvelled at almost everything I saw. My love for heritage buildings and architectural geniuses of the old days is definitely greater than it was yesterday. The sky was a perfect shade of blue, though I must say my photographs really do these buildings no justice, your jaw will drop far lower when you see it for real.

Trafalgar Square

Royal Courts of Justice

Royal Courts of Justice

St. Bride's Church
This steeple inspired the tiered wedding cake

Inside St. Bride's

Crypt underneath St. Bride's

Big Ben!

West Minster Abbey

The entrance to this building was used as the entrance to Gringott's Bank.