Saturday 30 April 2011

thanks mum

I awoke this morning to the sound of the mail falling to the floor from the slot in the door. Expecting only letters addressed to my Aunt I rubbed my eyes as I bent down in my topman tee to pick up the envelopes that were waiting patiently on the cold black tiles. One small and somewhat important/boring looking and another much larger, padded and far more intriguing. As my eyes adjusted to the morning light I noticed that my name was printed in my ma's perfectly small writing on the bigger envelope. I placed it on my bed and quickly made breakfast before returning to it. I sat down to my bowl of broccoli, banana, red grapes, nuts and raisins and carefully opened my parcel which contained some of my most favourite things - the latest issue of frankie, chai tea, a thrift store purchase and a letter from mother nature.
As excited as I was to rekindle my love for frankie, I decided I'd save it for tonight. I ran some errands, washed my not-so-long hair, baked butternut squash for tea, watched Sonny with a Chance (because it reminds me of my sister, and is a guilty pleasure of mine) before I felt that it was time. I sourced an oversized mug from my Aunt's kitchen cupboard, made a chai tea and spent hours with my beloved frankie. I read it back to front because that's the way I like to do it. It's much more exciting.
I'm now working on a playlist for my wedding and planning frankie inspired projects that created themselves in my mind as I read. And so I say thank you frankie, and thank you mum.

Oh also too, it was sunny again today so I took some photographs which for the record caused me to have rashy legs for several hours..I guess I should have thought twice about running through wild flowers.