Tuesday 6 September 2011

we spent some time together

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I think I might write a book about the past week. A children's book. For my children, and perhaps your children too. I spent it ambling through cobble stone streets, climbing haystacks, watching sunsets, stargazing by the seaside, holding hands in IKEA, walking about a small village, hiding in a secret hillside tomb, eating breakfast in bed, being stealth and sneaking into the village castle, catching wild animals, and making killer salads and heart shaped pies. All in the south of Sweden. You wouldn't believe if I didn't have the pictures to prove it, you really wouldn't. It was all things great and slightly more than amazing.

This is the library at his university. Is it not the most amazing thing you've ever seen? 
The crypt under the Cathedral 

The Cathedral in Lund, circa 1020 I think. 

The Church in his village.

His lovely abode, sauna included. 

The tomb in the hill.

Stealth. We felt like secret agents, dodging the security camera and all.

The castle!