Sunday 13 November 2011

birthday celebrations

I had the most wonderful day.
Claire/ Claire Sauce/ Phoenix took me out for breakfast lunch at my favourite eating place. She made a discovery that had us giggling for some time. When our tummies were full and we'd added to what we found I went one way and she went another.
I spent my afternoon hustling about Oxford Street hunting for birthday treasures, and my oh my the treasures I found! More than happy with my birthday purchases I made my way home in the dark and got to work on a birthday present for my one and only. Claire was in the kitchen doing secret things and I was painting with coffee when I heard a knock at the door. Assuming it was Asha, I ran down the stairs to greet her. Alas, I opened the door to find a Swede, my Swede standing in the cold.
I smiled a smile that lingered all night long as we five sat at the table and ate a super delicious dinner followed by home made frozen yoghurt. How lucky I am for the lovely people that made my day so swell.

Birthday Yoghurt