Wednesday 9 November 2011

crafty foxes

As a result of our craftiness there has been much redecorating happening about the Palace. Celine started the frenzy which is ongoing. It seems something new is added weekly. Today it was the elephant pink* lampshade that I skilfully attached to the ceiling with a little wire. Tomorrow it may be another hilarious news story to add to our prized collection. FYI news stories in this country are a joke. Some of the headlining tales featured on our living room wall include 'Rutting stag knocks woman to the ground as she strolls through park' 'McMamma Mia! Stroke made me speak Italian' 'I'm so happy my little conker spaniel is back' and 'Saved from Pirates by a message in a bottle'. We often have a giggle about such so called news.

*I say elephant pink because it is the very colour of my high school uniform, which transformed me and every other Cheltenham Lady into a being more commonly known as a pink elephant. All class, we were.

Yes, that is a reindeer made of wire. My fingers were near numb after hours of bending wires but it was well worth it. 

My bedroom wall. Complete with frankie posters, cards from afar, doodles and a Scottish Soldier's hat.

I do believe in people, I do, I do. Thank you brother Elijah.

New old boots for twelve quid? Yes please!

To the left, to the left is a feathered friend made by my one and only. The owl was my creation.