Thursday 1 December 2011

mumma on the block

The time has come folk for me to tell the tales of the happenings of late November, when The Mothership came to visit. I spotted her at the tube station and waited with open arms for her to come running. She did. I held her tightly while she wept for several minutes. Then we made our way to my humble abode, stopping along the way for tea and crumpets at my cafe.

On our Friday we ventured to Borough Market where we ate delicious things and spotted Lily Cole, the Tate Modern, St Pauls Cathedral and my beloved Dukes Head in Richmond. This may have been the greatest Dukes Head experience on account of I was spontaneously accompanied by a saxophone and a bass guitar and it sounded magical.

Perhaps a little inappropriate but necessary nonetheless. Despite the cold we hung naked in a hammock for several hours today. Kidding, this was part of an exhibition in the Tate. 

Our Saturday consisted of shopping adventures on Oxford Street and a family dinner at the Palace in Celebration of mine and my Swede's Birthdays. Truly Scrumptious.

We were heathens on our Sunday and went to Green Park and Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square and the National Portrait Gallery instead of Church. Don't judge. We had a swell time finding our inner child amongst autumn leaves and all shades of brown beneath a blue sky and cuddling on the couch when the sun went down.

In the days that followed we took a trip to Edinburgh. And oh my! was that an adventure on account of A: the fact that we struggled to understand the language the people spoke, B: the castle, C: the giggle fit we got into exiting the castle, D: the sights we saw and E: the christmas market that we played in for hours on end.
* There were plenty more photos of Edinburgh, plenty. But I'm being greedy and keeping them for myself because they were taking to many minutes to upload. Apologies.

This is where/when the giggle fit took place. I was being blown down the hill while Ma was suffering from a serious coughing attack. I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard. I very nearly did a wee tinkle in my tights..

Twas so windy that Kewpie got tangled in my hair! oh!

The semishly stolen red mug you may see in my Mother's kitchen cupboard.

We returned from Edinburgh with our tummies full and continued to fill them as we ventured about London Town for the next couple of days. We even went to my favourite place for breakfast.

I dyed my hair blonde so I'd fit in in Scandinavia. Not really. 

And that was that. Now she's gone and we in the palace are without our Sorority Mum. Boo.