Friday 27 May 2011

in the pale moonshine

Twas again, a lovely evening at the Duke's Head. I sang The Trail of The Lonesome Pine and had the old man or two singing along in the corner. I also sang my Polish Love Story and had the bar tender grinning, which subsequently left me feeling like one hundred dollars. Aunty Lucy, Uncle David and Jodi were there to listen to my ramblings, as were the usual strangers. I got invited to play at a garden party in the coming months, which excites me a lot. I stood in the dim light by the bar and waited patiently for two extra feet to walk me home in the pale moonshine.

So full of joy was I when I stepped inside that I made myself a giant piece of toast to accompany my warm milk and honey. I may even treat myself to another..

There's really nothing better than toast or cereal at two in the morning.