Saturday 20 August 2011


On Tuesday I took my Swede to meet Aunty Lucy on Fleet Street. We ate delicious things and talked about people and places before she disappeared into an office building and we went wandering through the Hunterian Museum. Feeling somewhat nauseous we then made our way to a near by park and sat amongst afternoon snoozers on the grass until our tummies were settled. *

The hours that followed our arrival back at the palace only added more joy to the day. Giggles filled the kitchen as we made crepes for dinner and learnt Swedish with the one and only Swede himself. And let me tell you, there are few things greater than the sight of Celine flipping crepes in a pirate hat and being told that horses in Sweden say gnägg. 

* The Hunterian Museum is full of dissected animals and body parts and human babies in jars and other such things. Going there right after eating probably wasn't the greatest idea I've ever had.