Tuesday 31 January 2012

icicle tusk

Pardon me for the lack of blogging of late. I've been out of town but this post should make up for lost time.
Last week my main Swede took me to Stockholm. We travelled four hours on the train in the wee hours of Thursday morning and were greeted by the city with snowflakes and city hustle. Our days were full of surprises. Full of friendly faces and of cold feet and blue lips. Of breakfast and brunch and beautiful sights. I saw many wonderful things in the snow and between the trees but I think the icicle tusks were by far my favourite.
While waiting for our train back to Lund on Saturday afternoon we sat on a wooden bench in the station and entertained one another. Having had approximately two and a half hours sleep on Friday night this wasn't difficult on account of the facet that every move we made was made with hilarity. I suffered from a giggle-induced belly ache after He stuck a candy mushroom to his forehead and asked a stranger what the time was and then proceeded with numerous attempts to make me eat it off his head. Oh boy.