Tuesday 31 January 2012

i've been to london to visit the queen

On my last day in London I said goodbye to LoveFood, to the secret route home from Sainsbury's on Finchley Road, to all that I had come to know and packed my life up to take away to Sweden. In honour of my departure the Palace residents and I went for a moonlit picnic at Primrose Hill. It was cold and some of us were weary but it was joyful all the same. Then four of us climbed into the big bed downstairs and slumbered together, falling asleep to Arrested Development for the very last time.
It was dark when I left, and raining ever so slightly too. It was a strange feeling, leaving the walls that will never again hold a roof over my head. Stranger and even more awful was the feeling of leaving sisters behind, unaware of when we will meet again. It was almost frightful. I left them all with kind words which they each returned. Waiting for my flight out, I cried as I read that Mamie's heart broke into pieces when I left. I cried because my heart broke too.
Best wishes little fishes. I love you like no other.

Norwegian Brown Cheese. You must not let the peculiar plasticine texture stop you from indulging in it's goodness.  The flavour my friends is so intense, so outrageously good that Little Asha had to sit down after her first nibble. 

Brown Cheese and Strawberry Jam. Oh man. Who'da thunk it.