Wednesday 8 June 2011

cure for my lonesome blues

My children must have known I've been a little sad and lonesome this week because they were especially lovely last night. So many funnies and so many more cuddles. I bathed the boys and gave them new hairdo's that made the giggle. The three of us climbed into bed and I told them a story about a tiger who lost his stripes, a baby elephant who lost his Mummy and Daddy and a lion who lost his voice. I was thinking on my feet, making it up as I went along and every now and then I'd pause and let them fill in the blanks. Bryce decided that the tiger's stripes were stuck to the bottom of the elephant's feet. Tyler told us that the Mummy and Daddy elephants were locked in a cage and I made sure that they all lived happily ever after.
I very nearly fell asleep with Tyler perfectly snuggled into my back and Bryce wrapped up in my arms against my belly. When I slipped out to leave I heard the softest whisper say, "I want you to sleep with me" and I melted inside.