Tuesday 14 June 2011

sugar, oh honey honey

I snoozed my alarm and dreamed a little while longer this morning. I made myself honeyed apple porridge for breakfast and listened to Bon Iver while I ate it. My bowl is empty on the floor beside me but the lovely sounds of Bon Iver are still floating about the room.

Yesterday was bliss. I was told, by Bryce on our way home from pre school the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar who "was a little caterpillar and then he ate lots and lots and then he was a big caterpillar. Then he made a raccoon house.." "A what Bryce?" "A raccoon house. And then he ate a little bit of the raccoon house and then he was a butterfly!"
All these years I've been calling it a cocoon, and I've been wrong all along. Now I know.

Countless times I was told to "pretend you lost me 'Ekenzie', pretend you lost me again!" And so I would, while he hid around a corner or followed close behind. "Oh dear," I would cry "I've lost Bryce! Whatever will I tell Jodi? She'll be so sad that he's.." I'd be stopped mid-sentence by a "Boo!" which was followed by a giggle. And then we'd start over.

Tyler drew me a picture of a butterfly and wrote his name on the page. I asked if he would write my name on there too and he did, almost. 'MkeGee' is what is written in purple crayon at the top of the page.